
Showing posts from July, 2024

White House explains

The statement about Medicare by the president last Thursday night left some confused, and the president has faced an overall negative review of his performance in the debate against former President Trump. The debate, in which Biden spoke with a raspy voice and stumbled over his words, sent Democrats into a state of panic and sparked questions about if the president should remain at the top of his party’s ticket.

Neighbor arrested after firing on

Multiple people were injured Thursday night at an Ocean Springs Fourth of July party when a neighbor opened fire with birdshot, Ocean Springs Police Chief Ryan Lemaire said. The neighbor, 68-year-old Henry Andray, was arrested, LeMaire said. Andray faces four counts of aggravated assault, according to a jail docket. Lemaire said more charges are pending. The group was having a Fourth of July party Thursday night at a home on Cumberland Road when Andray fired, police said. LeMaire said “up to” seven people were hit with birdshot — small pellets delivered via shotgun shell. Birdshot is designed for hunting birds and other small animals, but can still be dangerous or even lethal to people at close range. Four victims went to a hospital, Lemaire said. Their status is unknown. It is unclear what led to the shooting and Andray did not give a statement to police, Lemaire said.

Vatican excommunicates former

The Vatican's doctrine office imposed the penalty after a meeting of its members on Thursday and informed Vigano of its decision Friday, a press statement said. It cited Vigano's “refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council.” The Vatican excommunication means that Vigano is formally outside the church, and cannot celebrate or receive its sacraments, for having committed one of the gravest crimes in canon law: schism. A schism occurs when someone withdraws submission to the pope or from the communion of Catholics who are subject to him. It is considered particularly dangerous to the faith because it threatens the unity of the church, which is built on obedience to the pope. And Vigano had created a following of like-minded conservatives and traditionalists over the years as he delved deeper and deeper into conspira